"I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord"  Psalm 122:1


God's Surprising Strategies for Getting Sinners Back Home

When a wayward child wanders far from home, how does a loving parent pursue them without driving them further away? One thing that parent does is let the child know that there is an ongoing open-door policy. The child knows they will always be welcomed back home. Likewise, when we wander from God, he always keeps his door open for us. But God doesn’t just passively wait for us to return. He lovingly pursues sinners in ways that make them long for home.

In the Church Year, we have come to the season of Lent. The word Lent comes from an old English word for spring: “lengthen,” when the days grow longer. For over 1,400 years the Church has set aside the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter as a time of repentance and renewal. In this 40-day journey to the cross and tomb, we will see the surprising strategies our heavenly Father uses for getting sinners back home, close to him and the loving care he offers.

Sunday Worship at 9am

Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 
at 10:15am
Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30pm

Casual Atmosphere
Serious Faith

Are you looking for a place where there's serious Bible teaching, but in an
atmosphere that's casual? 

Beautiful Savior is a growing church
community in West Des Moines IA that seeks to glorify God by "Growing in the faith, Gathering together as believers, Going to our neighbors with the gospel!" 



Our first worship service was held on May 1, 1994.   

We celebrated 30 years on Sunday, October 13th

We thank those who were able to join us or send notes and remembrances. 

Please click to see some of the pictures from the weekend!

Sundays in Bible Class

The Prodigal God


Wednesdays in Bible Class

The Book of Mark 

On Wednesday, September 11, at 6:30pm, we began an in-depth study of the gospel of Mark. The shortest of the four gospels, Mark is full of action, as the inspired author takes us from one account of Jesus' life to the next. 
If you've never joined one of our Bible classes before, this would be a great one for you because the best place to begin Bible study is with the gospel. Invite a friend along, too. This class is for everyone, and we pray that you'll join us. 

It's never too late to jump into our Bible classes!   

Tough Topic Tuesday

A special monthly Bible class devoted to some of the topics that we face in society today. Some of the topics include mental health, human sexuality, race and politics, roles of men and women, social media and online issues, etc. These classes will give us the chance to dive into these difficult topics and discuss them from a Biblical point of view. 

For our first Tough Topic Tuesday, we looked at a few mental health topics like anxiety and depression.  We’ve also covered human sexuality. 

We have a lot of flexibility with this class. We are using the book, Taboo, by Mike Novotny, as a guide for this class. He covers many of the topics that we'll be talking about. 

You may wonder if your older children could come to this class. It's important to talk about these issues with our kids, so you are welcome to bring them along. You'll always know the topics in advance of each class, so that can help you decide if your kids can handle it or not. 

Beautiful Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church is a confessional Lutheran church in West Des Moines, Iowa.
